
Xplor is a Series B funded, fast growing SaaS startup with offices in Melbourne, Australia (HQ) and London, UK. Their mission is to automate administration so that they can help educators, administrators and parents focus on a child’s learning.

Xplor aimed to help center administrators promote their services to potential parents and boost child occupancy. To accomplish this, they tasked us with addressing two key questions during the project:

How might we help parents to find and enrol in childcare for the specific needs of their children?

How might we help childcare administrators to advertise their centre so that they can attain higher child occupancy?

  • Competitor Analysis Icon


    Competitor Analysis

  • Survey Responses Icon


    Survey Responses

  • One-on-one interviews icon


    One-on-one Interviews

  • Usability Testing Icon


    Usability Testing

The Research Process

It was a pleasure to collaborate with two other talented UX Designers, Chiara Malicsi and Sean Ansari. I believe that the most effective UX work is accomplished in groups, where we can exchange ideas and leverage each other's unique skillsets.

At the outset, we conducted a broad analysis of comparable websites and gathered statistical evidence through surveys to inform our approach for the client.

As we progressed to defining the problem, we adopted a more focused, one-on-one interview method to gain deeper insights into how users interacted with Xplor.

Defining the research

We documented our research by grouping key insights into categories that identified pain points and delights.

To define our research, we created three personas and mapped out the journeys of parents searching for a childcare center, as well as administrators promoting their centers. We placed our primary focus on parents and small provider admins, as we identified the most significant opportunities with these groups.

Parent Persona

Small Provider Admin Persona

Enterprise Admin Persona

Customer Journey Map
Parents & Small Business Provider Admins

Golden Path Journey Map
Parents & Small Provider Admins

Customer Journey Map
Parents & Enterprise Admins