Zero Impact

Zero Impact turns waste into great products that are light on the planet. Zero Impact produces recycled coffee firewood - made from waste coffee grounds. Zero Impact is Melbourne based and has been operating since 2018.

Zero Impact Presentation


Each UX team presented their findings separately, and the Art Coordinators presented the high-definition designs at the end.

Next Steps

Zero Impact's expansion into the industrial market requires a strong focus on content creation to help potential customers make the switch to biomass boilers. Once a customer base is established, automating regular purchases will improve the customer experience. Here are some specific changes to prioritize in the next design sprint:

  • Test Zero Impact Brikis against gas, wood chips, electricity, and other fuels to populate the fuel savings calculator.

  • Produce a video for the boiler landing page.

  • Create an Infopack for automated send-outs that includes a calculator comparing biomass to other fuels.

  • Design and test a login portal for businesses and boiler customers to enable manual or automated orders.