Resilient Youth Australia

Resilient Youth has experience working with school communities all over Australia. From inner city schools to those in regional areas, our understanding of today’s youth is deep and far-reaching. RYA work with primary schools and high schools in various capacities, offering a range of programs and workshops designed to build Resilient Learners while enhancing the wellbeing of young people and improving the culture within schools.

RYA has achieved tremendous success with their services; however, they have never collected research data to validate their systems. Therefore, the project's primary focus was on validating the research and making recommendations based on it.

Project 1

Conduct research on how schools distribute and perceive RYA surveys. Based on the findings, provide recommendations for improving the survey distribution and validation of existing assumptions.

Project 2

Conduct a review and research of the existing Reporting Portal. Based on the findings, provide recommendations to improve the user flow, enhance the user experience, and create an updated prototype using Adobe XD.

Project 3

Conduct a review and research of the RYA homepage website. Based on the findings, provide recommendations for improving the website's content and redesigning it to enhance the user experience.

Design Update

Reporting Portal

Resilient Youth Australia provides a powerful web-based Reporting Portal, but our research revealed that many users struggled to utilize all of its features effectively.

To address this, we updated the design to include shortcuts to commonly used features and created a more guided interface. These changes help users, both beginners and advanced, to access the portal more easily and efficiently.