
Existing social community websites for digital freelancers tend to focus on helping freelancers find clients or display their work. In contrast, Collab is designed to foster communication between freelancers, with the aim of providing advice and guidance to further their careers.



During my cohort's 10-minute project showcase, I had to provide a concise summary of my key findings and proposed solution due to the limited presentation time.

Next Steps

Once the community section is completed, we will need to design and test two secondary features that will cater to non-graphical freelance industries as well as those who prefer physical co-working spaces to collaborate with other freelancers.

Collaboration - Co-working Spaces

The 'Co-working' section aims to help freelancers find suitable co-working spaces with other freelancers. To explore potential revenue opportunities through collaboration with existing co-working spaces, we need to conduct research into their needs and preferences.