
Cause has partnered with numerous online stores that agree to offer a small commission whenever a customer shops with them through the Cause website. Cause donates a portion of this commission, up to 80%, to the charities selected by the customer.

Cause engaged me to conduct research and analysis on their existing website as well as their upcoming chrome extension. The scope of the research included both the people using the website and the charities they support. In addition, I was tasked with testing the usability of the upcoming browser extension and evaluating how the existing website was perceived by the public.

  • 3

    Competitor Analysis

  • 54

    Survey Responses

  • 5

    One-on-one Interviews

  • 21

    Usability Testing

The Research Process


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this was my first UX project that required conducting most of the research remotely through online platforms like Zoom, Miro, and Google.

We developed four personas based on the research findings. To illustrate how would benefit most by focusing on small charities, I created journey maps for both small and large charities. The supporter personas helped my client identify how they could improve their services based on the types of supporters who were more likely to interact with the Chrome extension.

Small Charity Persona

Large Charity Persona

Small Charity Journey Map

Large Charity Journey Map

Connected Supporter Persona

Open Supporter Persona

Prototype of new home page

While creating the new homepage, our research indicated that we needed to focus on three key elements. Based on this information, I designed a low-fidelity prototype to determine the content layout and structure.

1. Effectiveness
Showcase social proof through testimonials, affiliate charity logos, and statistics of the amount of money raised. Display press coverage to build credibility.

2. Safety
Provide reassurances regarding security and privacy commitments with a simple policy to back it up. Avoid requesting personal information to ensure privacy by design. Consider adding third-party certifications and marks to enhance trust.

3. Legitimacy
Emphasise that money goes to charity and highlight transparency measures to prove legitimacy.

The wireflow diagrams for the Chrome Extension helped the programmers in developing the software.

Initial Installation Wireflow

Chrome Extension Wireflow